From what we have followed the Men bags once were not so welcomed as they are now as people saw bags as an accessory for women and not for men. But, over the years the big brands have changed this prespective completely and be it Louis Vuitton or Dolce & Gabbana each one of them launch their very own collection of Men Bags which we long to see for sure. The bags are now a symbol of casualness and ease as well as a fashion accessory, which once used is truly loved by men and they long to have more out of it with time, they get used to it and than they never let it go.
Here are some top designs for the Men bags which you would like for sure, as they will make you look good and seriously tend to your needs while travelling or shopping or carrying stuff from one point to another.
This first once is the most common college boy look which each teenager must have crossed but for the teenagers to come, be cool by adopting this look not by having the same ugly men bag older generations had.
Perhaps if you are not a teen anymore and want something serious that would mach your free youth and yet give you comfort than this is the hand bag you should choose for sure.

The look for you if you want to carry around a bag in the office and being trendy yet comfortable with ll those files floating around, then we have selected this men bag design for you which you could totally pull off in an office environment looking good.
If you want to carry around a lot of stuff for example while travelling or just have to keep your laptop by your side than this bag is well suited for your needs because it gives you enough space and just the right amount of look s to make your job easy and better looking.
It is always a competition between which bag to choose? One that you can carry around in your hand or the one which you could wear behind your bag. We say why dont have both in one? either you wear it or you grab it in your hand which ever suits your needs.
We have shared with you the best designs till 2013, and we hope that you'll now not be afraid of wearing a hand bag because they look jot and serve the purpose as well.